what is the code so that it displays records in a table in pdf format with no data grid. In the code itself, it uses the im code. Private Sub Command1_Click (sender ByVal As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click Dim startTime As Date
Command1.Enabled = False startTime = Now() lblEnd.Text = "" Dim clPDF As New clsPDFCreator Dim strFile As String Dim i As Integer ' output NAME strFile = App_Path & "\Demo.pdf" With clPDF .Title = "Pay Day Report" ' TITLE .ScaleMode = clsPDFCreator.pdfScaleMode.pdfCentimeter .PaperSize = clsPDFCreator.pdfPaperSize.pdfA4 ' PAGE FORMAT .Margin = 0 ' Margin .Orientation = clsPDFCreator.pdfPageOrientation.pdfPortrait ' ORIENTATION .EncodeASCII85 = chkASCII85.Checked .InitPDFFile(strFile) ' DEFINING FONT .LoadFont("Fnt1", "Times New Roman") .LoadFont("Fnt2", "Arial", clsPDFCreator.pdfFontStyle.pdfItalic) .LoadFont("Fnt3", "Courier New") .LoadFontStandard("Fnt4", "Courier New", clsPDFCreator.pdfFontStyle.pdfBoldItalic) .LoadImgFromBMPFile("Img1", App_Path & "\img\20x20x24.bmp") .LoadImgFromBMPFile("Img2", App_Path & "\img\200x200x24.bmp") For i = 0 To 5 ' open a page .BeginPage() .DrawText(19, 1.5, "page " & Trim(CStr(.Pages)), "Fnt1", 12, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfAlignRight) .DrawObject("Footers") .DrawText(10.5, 27, "Unifrieght Sage", "Fnt1", 18, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfCenter) .SetTextHorizontalScaling(70) .DrawText(20, 25, "Regnumber", "Fnt2", 14, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfAlignRight) .DrawText(1, 25, "Name", "Fnt2", 14, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfAlignLeft) .DrawText(10.5, 25, "Surname", "Fnt2", 14, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfCenter) .SetTextHorizontalScaling(100) Dim Name1 As String Dim Surname As String Dim Regnumber As String Dim dt As DataTable Dim tab As String = "" Dim a As Integer Dim cmd As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("Select *from tblMain ", cn) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text Dim DR As OdbcDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns '.DrawText(tab + dc.ColumnName) tab = vbTab Next While DR.Read Name1 = DR("name") Surname = DR("surname") Regnumber = ("regnumber") Dim i As Integer For Each drk As DataRow In dt.Rows tab = "" For i = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1 .SetTextHorizontalScaling(70) .DrawText(20, 23 - a, Regnumber, "Fnt2", 14, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfAlignRight) .DrawText(1, 23 - a, Name1, "Fnt2", 14, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfAlignLeft) .DrawText(10.5, 23 - a, Surname, "Fnt2", 14, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfCenter) .SetTextHorizontalScaling(100) tab = vbTab Next Next .SetCharSpacing(3) End While .EndPage() ' this is for the footers .StartObject("Footers", clsPDFCreator.pdfObjectType.pdfAllPages) .DrawText(10, 1.5, "Designed by Renegate", "Fnt3", 8, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfCenter) .DrawText(20, 1.5, " of " & Trim(CStr(.Pages)), "Fnt1", 12, clsPDFCreator.pdfTextAlign.pdfAlignRight) .EndObject() Next ' closing the document .ClosePDFFile() End With Dim Elapsed As TimeSpan = Now().Subtract(startTime) lblEnd.Text = Elapsed.ToString() Command1.Enabled = True Call Shell("rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " & (strFile), vbMaximizedFocus) End Sub