How to localize the name of the application?

I wrote a game with cocos2d and translated all the image and text into a game in two different languages.

When the application starts, I load another resource according to the device and everything is fine.

Then, when I download this application for viewing, I first called it "test". Then, in the localization part, I add the language "Japanese".

But I found that in the "Japanese part of the metadata" I can edit a lot of things, except for the "application name", which is the "test". But I want my application to show different names according to the device locale as well.

Can someone tell me how to get this job? Thanks in advance...

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2 answers

Here is a tutorial on how to localize the names CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleName.


You can create a file called InfoPlist.strings in each of your specific languages ​​and set the value for CFBundleDisplayName.



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