With difficulty formulating the question, my situation is actually at the stage of releasing the game development cycle.
I have this game, which falls into a random category, in which practically no complex logic is involved, working on two-dimensional scrolling (half) of one character. In short, it really is that simple, so I’ve already finished with the code and I just need to replace the sprites with myself to avoid any copyright issues as soon as I decided to release it on the market (though I used sprites from different forums other side scrolling MMORPG).
So, my real problem is that I am an independent developer who does not have the talent for graphics and a small budget to transfer the graphics to the artist. How do I (a simple programmer) create a modern graphic game?
- The game is non-profit, I did this to find out what the Android platform has to offer. But, seeing that it can be fun for others to play, I would like to free him.
- I wanted to make this a wiki community, as I can see that other newbies for beginner games will also face the same issue. Although I'm not sure that only this reason qualifies. But now, it seems, with my reputation, I would leave this to the admin / mod solutions.
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