I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 application. I am using AsyncController and creating new threads. Is there a way to verify that I use I / O completion ports instead of an ASP.NET thread pool?
Is there a property in Thread.CurrentThread or somewhere else that I can check to determine where the thread works?
Here is an example of the code that I am executing
public class HomeController : AsyncController { public void CarsComplexAsync(string make) { AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Increment(2); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Enter CarsComplexAsync: " + DateTime.Now); Action getCarsAsync = () => { List<Car> cars = CarService.GetCars(make); AsyncManager.Parameters["cars"] = cars; AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement(); }; Action getTrucksAsync = () => { List<Car> trucks = CarService.GetTrucks(make); AsyncManager.Parameters["trucks"] = trucks; AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement(); }; getCarsAsync.BeginInvoke(null, null); getTrucksAsync.BeginInvoke(null, null); }
public ActionResult CarsComplexCompleted(List<Car> cars, List<Car> trucks) { cars.AddRange(trucks); return View(cars); }
public static class CarService { private static List<Car> _cars = new List<Car> { new Car{ Make = "Ford", Model = "F-150", Color = "White", Year = 2010}, new Car{ Make = "Chevy", Model = "Camero", Color = "Black", Year = 1984}, new Car{ Make = "Peugeot", Model = "406 Coupe", Color = "White", Year = 2010}, new Car{ Make = "Dodge", Model = "Charger", Color = "Red", Year = 1974} }; public static List<Car> GetCars(string model) { Thread.Sleep(5000); List<Car> cars = _cars; return cars; } public static List<Car> GetTrucks(string make) { Thread.Sleep(5000); List<Car> cars = _cars; return cars; } }
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