How to enable generic type parameter for C # method to accept null argument?

private static Matcher<T> EqualTo<T>(T item) { return new IsEqual<T>(item); } 

How to change the above definition of a method so that the following are valid / valid.

 EqualTo("abc"); EqualTo(4); EqualTo(null); // doesn't compile. EqualTo<string>(null) does 

Trying to port some Java code where null seems to be an acceptable value for the T parameter.

Thanks: for all the answers - especially Imon and Jason. I did not want the method call to worry about type-output. The next overload fixed him.

  private static Matcher<object> EqualTo(object item) { return EqualTo<object>(item); } 

Actually, the above question was part of a bigger mystery. The ultimate goal was as follows.

  this.AssertThat(null, EqualTo(null)); this.AssertThat(null, Not(EqualTo("hi"))); this.AssertThat("hi", Not(EqualTo(null))); 

The same fix applies .. RFC . (Ignoring part of the ugly extension method - this is another problem. I wanted to have these methods in all test records without inheritance.)

 public static void AssertThat<T>(this object testFixture, object actual, Matcher<T> matcher, string message = "") { AssertThat(anyObject, (T)actual, matcher, message); } public static void AssertThat<T, TSuper>(this object testFixture, T actual, Matcher<TSuper> matcher, string message = "") where T : TSuper { ... check and assert 
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5 answers

Consider the following method:

 public bool IsNullString<T>(T item) { return typeof(T) == typeof(string) && item == null; } 

Yes, this is a pathetically stupid method, and using generics is pointless here, but you will see the moment in the moment.

Now consider

 bool first = IsNullString<string>(null); bool second = IsNullString<Foo>(null); bool third = IsNullString(null); 

In the first and second compiler, the type T can be clearly distinguished (no output is required). Third, how does the compiler conclude that T ? In particular, it cannot distinguish between T == string and T == Foo , or any other type in this regard. Therefore, the compiler should give you a compile-time error.

If you want to get around this, you need to either throw null


or explicitly specify the type


or determine overload

 private static Matcher<object> EqualTo(object item) { return new IsEqual<object>(item); } 

Impossible without explicitly specifying T or throwing. Generics are compilation time constructs, and therefore, if the compiler cannot determine the type at compile time, it will not compile (as you can see).


Since you cannot do exactly what you want, how to define the EqualTo(object) overload method? This should allow your required syntax.


You can get around this limitation using the following syntax:

 EqualTo("abc"); EqualTo(4); EqualTo(default(object)); //equivalently: EqualTo((object)null); 

default(T) is the value that a field of type T has if it is not specified. For reference types, this is null , for value types it is essentially memory filled with null bytes (... which can mean different things for different types, but usually means some version of zero).

I try to avoid null everywhere in my code for now. It also makes it difficult to type in elsewhere, for example, with a declared var field and a triple operator. For example, myArray==null ? default(int?) : myArray.Length myArray==null ? default(int?) : myArray.Length is fine, but myArray==null ? null : myArray.Length myArray==null ? null : myArray.Length will not compile.


Perhaps the implementation of the nonequivalent EqualTo, which takes an object as an argument type, will solve the problem of overwriting these lines of code.



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