I suppose you want you to snap to the grid after the user has finished dragging and dropping. In this case, you can use the drag-and-drop stop
event and calculate the element offset.
Suppose you have a draggable contained within the parent element, starting at offset (0, 0), which is the top left corner. Then you apply the regular drag and drop effect to the element, and on stop
you calculate its position and snap it to the nearest βcellβ.
The code for this will look something like this:
$(el).draggable({ stop: function(e, ui) { var elem = ui.helper, left = elem.position().left, top = elem.position().top; elem.css({ left: left - (left%10), top: top - (top%10) }); } });
This code will always be attached to the element of the upper left coordinate of the pixel and will rely on an absolutely fixed element, and the parent element is not statically located (relative, absolute, etc.).
** Change **
I created a quick demo - http://jsfiddle.net/LQwMe/1/
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