Why is it so hard to find an example of sending email on Android using Oauth and Google Mail?
I'm new to Java and Android, and it's hard for me to handle this. Is it possible?
I found this Gmail library (or POP3) for Android development
What are the links to this http://code.google.com/apis/gmail/oauth/code.html
But no working Android examples can be found anywhere.
I would do that. I have an application that sends email from a Gmail user account using this code.
But my users do not like to enter their Google password in my application. And I do not blame them. On this day and at an age, you might think that there would be a simple solution with many examples.
So, are there any examples there and I just skip them?
XOAUTH and Android with source code:
Implement SMTP or IMAP XOAuth
I really asked if there is an OAuth implementation of production quality in another question:
Is there an OAuth sample for product quality for Android?
This example seems to be the one I'm connected to - the best thing that floats. I had to twist it a bit so that it really worked as expected (for example, the return button works as expected, for example). The best technique I've been able to dig up so far is to have an activity that fires OAuth activity as a singleTask, and when you return to it from an OAuth operation, set the FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP flag in the intent.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/885547/More articles:CSS offset properties and static position - cssIs your statement mocking you? - phpunitWhere is the python path when I don't have .bash_profile? - pythonhttps://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://fooobar.com/questions/885545/looking-for-working-complete-project-example-for-oauth-20-access-to-gmail&usg=ALkJrhjh530yePcairhhw4-9BDjEdmsLUAOAuth with Google Data API for .NET returning HTTP 400: Bad Request - c #Event Organization Event Event - javascriptWhy should I use @properties? - iosIs there an OAuth sample for product quality for Android? - androidHow to implement a hash table with a chain? - hashtableRails 3 engine and code reboot in development mode - ruby | fooobar.comAll Articles