Dim rp As New ReportDocument Dim myData As New MyDataSet Dim dt As New MyDataSet.UserDataTable Dim FirstRow As MyDataSet.UserRow = _ CType(myData.User.NewRow, MyDataSet.UserRow) FirstRow.MemberID = "1" FirstRow.FirstName = "Amir Hossein" FirstRow.LastName = "Rahnama" myData.User.Rows.Add(FirstRow) Dim SecondRow As MyDataSet.UserRow = _ CType(myData.User.NewRow, MyDataSet.UserRow) SecondRow.MemberID = "2" SecondRow.FirstName = "Aziz" SecondRow.LastName = "Khodaie" myData.User.Rows.Add(SecondRow) rp.Load("C:\Report.rpt") rp.SetDataSource(myData) CRV1.ReportSource = rp
When setting up a data source, an error occurs:
Unknown database connector error Error in file C: \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ A_RAHN ~ 1 \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ Temp \ 1 \ Report {832105B2-2E31-4018-9761-77581CC86142} .rpt: Unknown database connector error
To report this, I created this report in the stand-alone IDE Crystal Reports 2008 instead of generating it in the ID2 VS2010, and is bound to this dataset, which uses the Crystal Report Wizard.
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