Signature differences in C ++ 11

Given C ++ 11 lambdas with the following code,

template <typename M> void call(void (*f)(M), M m) { f(m); } int main() { call<int>([](int n) { }, 42); // OK int r; call<int>([&](int n) { r = n; }, 42); // KO } 

Is there a difference of signatures between lambdas, which makes the second incompatible with the call argument?

I am using g ++ 4.6.1.

Side question: why the parameter cannot be displayed if I write call([](int n) { }, 42); ?

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2 answers

Only an illiterate lambda can be implicitly converted to a function pointer.

A lambda that captures variables cannot be converted to a function pointer because it has a state that must be supported (captured variables), and this state cannot be represented by a function pointer.

Type M cannot be inferred from function arguments, because conversion is required to convert lambda to function pointer. This conversion prohibits the output of a template argument. If you were to call the call function with the actual function (e.g. void f(int) ), the output of the argument will work fine.


As James said, only illiterate lambdas can be converted to function pointers. Lambdas that have state create object objects that implement operator() , and member function pointers are incompatible with free function pointers.

When the compiler processes: [&](int n){ r = n; } [&](int n){ r = n; } it generates something like:

 class __annonymous_lambda_type { int & r; public: __annonymous_lambda_type( int & r ) : r(r) {} void operator()( int n ) const { r = n; } } __lambda_instatiation; 

The class must store the state of the lambda, in this case, a reference to an external object that will be changed when the lambda is executed. That void operator()(int) cannot be bound to void (*)(int) .

On the other hand, if a lambda has no status, it can be implemented as a free function, for example, in the case of []( int n ) { std::cout << "Hi" << n << std::endl ; } []( int n ) { std::cout << "Hi" << n << std::endl ; }

 void __annonymous_lambda_function( int n ) { std::cout << "Hi " << n << std::endl; } 

Since lambda does not need to save any state at all, and as such it can be stored as a simple function.



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