Does the Disabled attribute work with hidden

I have a hidden field

<input type = 'hidden' name = "test1" id = "test1" value ="<?php echo $val ?>" > 

Now Yam applies disabled attribute via jQuery. Will the Disabled attribute work for hidden fields or will it only work for input type = text

 $('#test1').attr('disabled','disabled'); if($("#radio_no:checked") && $("#someelement").attr('value')==="abc"){ $("#test1").attr('disabled', true); $("#test1").attr('class', 'TextBox'); } 
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2 answers

It works great for hidden fields, preventing them from being included in the POST form.

The strange myth about setting an attribute to a string, "disabled", is, well, a myth. Set it to true or false . The "disabled" line works because it is a non-empty line, and when you click on boolean it is true . If you were to set it to "no" or "false" or "absolutely no", you would also disable the input.

edit - to be clear, set the disabled attribute in the same way as in your example, except:

 $('#test1').attr('disabled', true); 

change again - and to those unfaithful people who do not agree with my expression on how (in JavaScript , and not in any source language of the page), you need to use true and false for the "disabled" attribute, I would send you the corresponding section the W3C DOM Level 1 specification, where the "disabled" attribute is explicitly entered as a logical rather than a string. After the browser analyzes your untouched, standards-compliant source, be it HTML4, XHTML, HTML5 or something else, the specific rules for this context no longer matter. We are talking about setting the DOM attribute to β€œdisabled” from JavaScript here, so the DOM specification is the appropriate standard for reference.


it will work, you can apply any attribute that you like, but it does not make sense to do this.



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