Firefox 4 Problem with JQuery UI Sortable

After upgrading from Firefox 3.6 to FF4, I was surprised to see that jQuery UI Sortable stops working (I use jQuery (1.4.2) with jQuery UI (1.8.5)) and I get this error (from firebug)

this.helper is null

dev / js / jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.min.js line 264

I looked around but could not find a reason for this error. I even updated the jQuery user interface to the latest version (1.8.11), but that didn't help.

If anyone knows why this is happening (or a fix), I would really appreciate your input!


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1 answer

Hi mtlgray: I just tested the jQueryUI Sort demo with my Firefox 4.0 and it works fine.

Perhaps your problem is caused by some incorrect configuration in your project. Try FireQuery (for Firebug ), maybe this will help you figure out the reason.



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