Understanding Memory Management in Objective-C

I have the following code that works fine, but I'm not sure if I understood some concepts of memory management correctly:

#import "mapPoint.h"

@implementation mapPoint
@synthesize coordinate, title, subtitle;

-(id)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)c title:(NSString *)t {
    [super init];
    coordinate = c;
    [self setTitle:t];
    // Set date as subtitle
    NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    [dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
    [dateFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];
    NSString *myDate = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
    [self setSubtitle:myDate];
    [dateFormatter release];
    // Look for city and state; when found, set it in subtitle, replacing date
    geocoder = [[MKReverseGeocoder alloc] initWithCoordinate:c];
    [geocoder setDelegate:self];
    [geocoder start];
    return self;
-(void)reverseGeocoder:(MKReverseGeocoder *)geocoder didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
    NSLog(@"%@", error);
-(void)reverseGeocoder:(MKReverseGeocoder *)geocoder didFindPlacemark:(MKPlacemark *)placemark {
    [self setSubtitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"City: %@, State: %@", [placemark locality], [placemark administrativeArea]]];
-(void)dealloc {
    [title release];
    [subtitle release];
    [geocoder release];
    [super dealloc]; 

  • When I created the geocoder object using the method alloc, I have to free it (done in dealloc). Correctly?
  • An reverseGeocoder:didFindPlacemarkNSString is created in the method using the convenience method stringWithFormat. Since I have not used alloc, I am not responsible for releasing it (I assume this method uses autorelease). It is right?
  • placemark NSStrings, locality administrativeArea. , , . , , mapPoint, , , , , autorelease. subtitle retain. , NSString, , ?

, ... .

  • - ivar ? . , , , ( ivar nil) , .
  • , . , "" "", , .
  • . , setSubtitle: , @synthesize , setSubtitle:.


, 3. [placemark locality] [placemark administrativeArea] NSString stringWithFormat, , , stringWithFormat. , , , , setSubtitle: .


- - Cocoa . , : . .: -)

  • , dealloc
  • , NSString
  • , NSStrings.

, "" ". , , " ".


, :

  • [super init] self, :

    - init
        self = [super init];
        if (!self) return nil;
        // do initialisation
        return self;

    , , [super init], ( ) self.

  • , - , , setTitle: setSubtitle: . , KVO, .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796722/

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