I am considering the enumeration I created in Reflector, and there is a public integer field called "value __".
What is the purpose of this member?
Link or link to document in order for reply.
Googling is a pain because "value__" returns hits for "value".
I searched for almost an hour and found the links below. Most of them are the same article on different sites. All of them show how to access an element through reflection, but none of them explains what this participant is for.
C # function that takes an Enum element and returns an enum value (not an index)
http://www.mail-archive.com/ dotnet@discuss.develop.com /msg02431.html
The last link below discusses (below) that you cannot use value__ as an enumeration value, since it is reserverd, but does not say why.
Below is a link to the MSDN page, where the compiler error also indicates that the value "value__" is reserved. But still there is no joy in learning what a member does.
JIT , , . mscorlib, System.Int32. enum . , . . , ToString(). __, . , .
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