I searched google and stackoverflow but didn't find anything.
Is OpenID something that people don't do with objective-c and / or iPhones / iPads?
Here is an example code example: see this question .
(Sent as a complete response as indicated in the comment)
Yahoo! claims it has an optimized implementation for iphone ( link ). Janrain also has a possible solution (they offer a free account for testing).
hope this helps.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796686/More articles:Zend frame decorator question - zend-frameworkSorting a multidimensional array in PHP - phpjavascript сохраняет выбранное значение из списка после отправки формы - javascriptIs there a non-iterative equivalent of this expression in MATLAB? - matrixСохранить выбранную ячейку после отправки - jqueryViewModel Questions - asp.net-mvcFinding better performance in XSLT: xsl: element name = "div" vs. - performanceHTTP Error 415 What am I doing wrong? - pythonNSDate - year value change - objective-cErase win32API background window - c ++All Articles