I am currently working on a recursive program for processing data sets of various sizes.
The problem I find is that with my largest dataset (about 350,000 records), my program seems to end without providing any error information.
From testing, I think this could be due to recursion leaving too many incomplete methods open (approximate number is 72756). So my question is: does C ++ have a limit on the number of active methods, or am I looking at the wrong problem?
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, . gcc it -Wl,--stack,<bytes> ( ). gcc 8MiB , 16 32, .
( , gcc 4.6) -fsplit-stack. , , , . , .
, .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796676/More articles:How does the Java VM allocate memory? - javaКак начать с PHP на Ubuntu - phpКак я могу мультиплексировать вывод в дескриптор файла ОС в Python? - pythonAndroid - send audio file using MMS - androidhttps://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://fooobar.com/questions/1796675/going-from-java-desktop-programming-to-android-application-developement&usg=ALkJrhiMuauKW6QCLGOkHXdsbwMzRiBdPwPython forward declaration of functions inside classes - pythonCTRunGetImageBounds returns inaccurate results - iosКаковы форматы буфера обмена для Microsoft Office, где вы можете удалить диаграмму? - ms-officeMocking IObjectSet Zend frame decorator question - zend-frameworkAll Articles