use regex to capture data between tags
then replace ' '
with' '
also catch before and after html:
Edit: here you go ....
$data="dasdad asd a <table atrr=\"zxzx\"><tr><td>adfa a adfadfaf></td><td><br /> dfa dfa</td></tr></table> asdasd s ";
$data = preg_replace_callback($exp, create_function('$matches','return $matches[1].str_replace(" "," ",$matches[2]);'), $data);
$data = preg_replace_callback($ex1, create_function('$matches','return str_replace(" "," ",$matches[1]).$matches[2];'), $data);
$data = preg_replace_callback($ex2, create_function('$matches','return $matches[1].str_replace(" "," ",$matches[2]);'), $data);
echo $data;
it works ... slightly modified, but it will work unchanged (but I don't think you understand the code;))