Retrieving thumbnails from a photo library

I want to save thumbnails from the iphone photo library, and I want to use them in my application, but without selecting them, I want it to work automatically. so I started the application and the thumbnails appear in the middle of the screen in a scrollable table view. (5 fingers on each page). For example:

What is the best way to do this? Oh, and, of course, if the user touches the speaker, a large image will appear in a different form.

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1 answer
  • Create an instance ALAssetsLibrary.
  • Send a message enumerateGroupsWithTypes:usingBlock:failureBlock:to the object library object.
  • ALAssetsGroup, enumerateAssetsUsingBlock:.
  • ALAsset, thumbnail (a CGImageRef) representation ( ALAssetRepresentation), , , .


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