I am trying to integrate Facebook on my iphone OS 4.0. The problem occurs when I try to display a login dialog. a dialog box loads and then crashes immediately. The same code works fine in iOS 3.1. Please help. Thanx.
I had a similar problem with my iPhone application. Most likely, JavaScript is crashing your application.
I worked on this issue by accessing the Facebook login site directly through the URL: http://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&redirect_uri=http://YOUR_SITE_URL&scope=publish_stream,offline_access&type=user_agent&display=touch
iPhone-, , , ( ), YOUR_SITE_URL access_token, Facebook Graph API.
, , , .
Make sure you are using the latest version of the Facebook SDK from Github . And please write the code that failed.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796601/More articles:Problem with Javascript - javascriptcan oucumber and rspec use the same blueprints.rb file - ruby-on-railsZend Framework: extending a custom base controller from Zend_Controller_Action - php5 bit RGB (0, 31, 0) to 16 bit RGB (0, 255, 0) - cCGFloat Incompatible types upon initialization - objective-cQLineEdit validation for text input {[AZ] [az] [0-9]} - validationiPhone - fixed (tableHeaderView) with grouped UITableView when scrolling cells - objective-cIs there a library to calculate the area under a curve in jqPlot? - jqplotJoCaml: problems with remote connection - ocamlcreate a new method with a user-defined name. Reflection C # - reflectionAll Articles