Pinch to zoom using Google Maps Javascript APIs in Android browser

Has anyone got the opportunity to zoom in to work on Google Map in an Android browser? It works great in Android apps, and I heard that it works in iPhone Safari Browser, but I'm interested in getting it to work in a web application that is viewed through an Android browser. Currently, you can zoom in, but the map is not redrawn (i.e., it just gets bigger and pixelated). You cannot trim reduction.

Edit: It seems that each phone is different:
Evo - The problem was discussed above
Epic - Pinch to reduce the work, the increase has the problem mentioned above
Galaxy S - Pinch to enlarge and reduce the image that works fine

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2 answers

Currently, the Google Maps API v3 (and any other JavaScript code, for that matter) cannot count on events related to scaling in JavaScript in Android browsers. See

If this problem is important to you, I recommend logging in, starring the problem and leaving a good comment.

, Honeycomb, , Ice Cream Sandwich .


, Android javascript. touchstart/mode/end, , ( ). , Android 3.0 .



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