a = [[Infinity, 40, 45, Infinity, Infinity],
[Infinity, 20, 50, 14, 20 ],
[Infinity, 30, 40, Infinity, 40 ],
[Infinity, 28, Infinity, 6, 6 ],
[Infinity, 40, 80, 12, 0 ]]
Step by Step Explanation
First you need to get the column width. col_width
below is an array that gives the width for each column.
col_width = a.transpose.map{|col| col.map{|cell| cell.to_s.length}.max}
This will then give you the bulk of the table:
a.each{|row| puts '['+
row.zip(col_width).map{|cell, w| cell.to_s.ljust(w)}.join(' | ')+']'}
To label, do the following.
puts ' '*(a.length.to_s.length + 2)+
(1..a.length).zip(col_width).map{|i, w| i.to_s.center(w)}.join(' ')
a.each_with_index{|row, i| puts "#{i+1} ["+
row.zip(col_width).map{|cell, w| cell.to_s.ljust(w)}.join(' | ')+
All in one. This is for ruby1.9. A small modification should make it work with Ruby 1.8.
.map.with_index{|col, i|
col.unshift(i.zero?? nil : i)
w = col.map{|cell| cell.to_s.length}.max
col.map.with_index{|cell, i|
i.zero?? cell.to_s.center(w) : cell.to_s.ljust(w)}
.each{|row| puts "[#{row.join(' | ')}]"}