I searched to find the GWT POJO-JSON mapper. In the answers to another question and on Googling around, I found the following solutions:
My question is, does any of these (or any other) solutions have significant gain / loss of performance or other significant advantages or disadvantages?
AutoBeans compiles to Overlay types when used in client code, so they have all the advantages and are much easier to write.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796501/More articles:Are Unix / Linux systems vulnerable to leakage of global kernel objects? - linuxCan I dynamically resize divs based on discrete units and still center? - cssHow to map a system enumeration in Protobuf.Net - .nethow to read / write a text file in j2me - javaThe effect of jQuery freezing over a table - jqueryEvery Java program is object oriented - javaQuestion on Linq Query - c #Collision Detection in Java for the game - javaWhy is this print line command executed twice? - javaLinq or string filter - c #All Articles