Troubleshooting Width RichTextBox Control

I am creating this program that requires recalculating the width of a RichTextBox control. The problem is that he continues to count incorrectly. I used the correct formulas to convert a point to inches, then inches to pixels, and then pixels to multiply the number of characters to get the width. Here is the code below:

        foreach (RichTextBox r in panel1.Controls)

            if (r.DisplayRectangle.IntersectsWith(contextMenuStrip1.DisplayRectangle))

                Graphics gfx = this.CreateGraphics();
                float dpix = gfx.DpiX;
                float dpiy = gfx.DpiY;
                int numofchars =  r.TextLength;
                float point = r.Font.SizeInPoints;
                float inches = point / 72;
                float pixels = dpiy * inches;
                float width = (pixels * numofchars);
                r.Width = Convert.ToInt32(width);

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1 answer

Have you tried looking for a way to Graphics.MeasureString ?



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