When I do int[], string[], T[]- a general array. An array is just an object, like everything else.
So what is the actual open generic type []? I suppose this is just syntactic sugar over something like Array<>, but I could not find anything like it.
Bonus points if you can somehow answer it before John Skeet.
This is just System.Array; it is not common. See here for a brief discussion: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/archive/2007/10/17/covariance-and-contravariance-in-c-part-two-array-covariance.aspx
. .net 1, generics .net 2. , .
Array .
, , . , Java.
, Array; , .NET Framework. ""; System.Array O-O . .
, System.Array IList<T>, . , , IList.
This is not just syntactic sugar, it is the actual output of the System.Array class.
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