When do I need to add a scalar to a named query? For instance:
<return-scalar column="colName" type="java.lang.String" />
Sometimes they do not seem to be needed, and sometimes, without a scalar, the request will throw an exception.
Let me share some materials.
If your query select * from the table , setScalar can be used to dynamically restrict the no column.
If you use a scalar, the query will not use ResultSetMetadata b> to find this type and will use a faster and more efficient type.
java.sql.Types ResultSetMetaData, Hibernate, . , registerHibernateType .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796373/More articles:Finding a Complete QR Decomposition with Reduced QR - mathHow to remove hexadecimal values in python string with regular expressions? - pythonWinForms: How to avoid horizontal scrollbar with AutoScroll? - c #Java convert hexadecimal time - javaCouchDB - last log filter for each registered instance from the list - pythonJquery Chrome image width and height = 0 for new image () - jqueryNot all tiles are redrawn after CATiledLayer -setNeedsDisplay - iosПлавающие окна Visual Studio 2008 являются внешними - visual-studio-2008Regular expression for indentation - htmlUsing sleep and choosing with signals - cAll Articles