This is a variation of this question:
Remove trailing slash from input file file
but it is subtly different, so I donβt think itβs a hoax.
I am having trouble creating this work with directories that have spaces (running WinXP).
@echo What folder do you want to process? (Provide a path without a closing backslash)
set /p datapath=
::Is string empty?
IF X%datapath% == X GOTO:START
::Does string have a trailing slash? if so remove it
IF %datapath:~-1%==\ SET datapath=%datapath:~0,-1%
echo %datapath%
It processes:
(strip it to c :)
But if you enter:
c:\test space
error: "space was unexpected at this time."
If you try to enter:
"c:\test space"
You get the same error.
I thought this would include a strategically placed "or two on this line:
IF %datapath:~-1%==\ SET datapath=%datapath:~0,-1%
But Iβm out of luck.
Any ideas?