Verify dual state in assembly

I start the assembly, I use nasm to build the code, I try to process the string in memory and change it, I want to check if the byte is in a certain range (ascii), so I can decide what to do with it, I don’t I can understand how to check if a value is in a certain range, I all know the different types of transition flags, but how can I combine 2 cmp expressions?

my question is: how can I create something like this in an assembly?

if (x>=20 && x<=100)
     do something

Thank you so much!

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4 answers

Depending on which syntax you are using, and if it xis in a register eax, something like this:

cmp  %eax, 20
jl   ELSE
cmp  %eax, 100
jg   ELSE
#do something
jmp  END

#do else


, , :

     sub  %eax,  20
     cmp  %eax,  80
     ja   END
     // do something
END: ret

. [20,100] - [0,80]; .

, C:

unsigned int upperBound = 100;
unsigned int lowerBound = 20;
if (yourValue - lowerBound <= upperBound - lowerBound) {
    // do something

You can try to compile it from a higher level language (C / C ++ / ...) with optimization at high (-O3 for gcc) and see what the compiler (objdump) generates. It should generate very efficient code.


Like this?

if false jump to ELSE
if false jump to ELSE
  do something
  jump to ENDIF
  do something else

Or do you mean using only one assembly instruction?



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