I was looking for a hierarchy of definitions for web developers to implement in the web development department of the company I work for.
for example: Associate Web Developer → Web Developer → Senior Web Developer → what's next?
Please suggest .. !!
How about a web architect?
Around here, the next step from the "Senior Developer" is usually "Architect", if this is what the person is interested in.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796267/More articles:Каково точное преимущество использования тега над тегом? - htmlEditing files in place with a tie acting differently on different Unix - linuxHow can I organize controls on a form relative to each other and the form itself? - c #Android: как передать файл css в html в следующей ситуации - androidMVC 3 and razor, How to build a structure from _layout to _layout? - asp.net-mvcPacking a WAR file in an EAR so that WAR dependencies are available - eclipsehow to stop nsthread - iphonefree shader debugging software - debuggingiPhone Safari treats numbers as tel-url - iphoneHow to get JScrollPane to work with nested JPanels? - javaAll Articles