I have a child form in an MDI Windows Forms application. It has two controls: ComboBox and TreeView, and the last under the first. Both controls are the same width. How can I customize them and form properties to achieve the following:
You can do the following:
, . Dock , "", .
, Combobox Dock=Top TreeView Dock=Fill:
, TreeView , .
Anchor. (combobox, treeview usercontrol), , .
The property is Docksimilar, but it also affects the location and kind of “sticks” the control into place even in the form designer.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796264/More articles:C #: code style - places for participants - c #How many Java objects are generated by this - new String ("abcd") - javaIs it possible to play only part of an mp3 file using AVAudioPlayer? If so, how? - iosКаково точное преимущество использования тега над тегом? - htmlEditing files in place with a tie acting differently on different Unix - linuxAndroid: как передать файл css в html в следующей ситуации - androidMVC 3 and razor, How to build a structure from _layout to _layout? - asp.net-mvcHierarchy of definition of web developers for implementation in the Department of web development - hierarchyPacking a WAR file in an EAR so that WAR dependencies are available - eclipsehow to stop nsthread - iphoneAll Articles