we have a magento store with different categories one inside the other (subcategory). Our problem is that when we introduce an administrator to manage categories in the category tree on the left, some of our categories that have subcategories correctly look at the plus sign (+) on the left, but when we try to expand the category magento, 't show any item.
Ajax points to this URL:
index.php / admin / catalog_category / categoriesJson / key / 09b218741dce69171825fdbf4954855d /? IsAjax = true
and it returns an empty array without any errors. Frontend displays all categories correctly.
Magento version
Any idea?
catalog_category_entity , 1 2, , 7. , 7 , , , Magento 2, lavel 7, .
2, , , .
1? ...
UPDATE catalog_category_entity SET children_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM catalog_category_entity) AS table2 WHERE path LIKE CONCAT(catalog_category_entity.path,"/%"));
( )? Magento, - , . , , "" , .
, !
"" . , , , 2 .
2 :
foreach ($ categories as $ category) { $ category = $ category-> load ($ category-> getId ()); $ level = $ category-> getLevel (); if ($ level> 2) { $ category-> setLevel (2); $ category-> save (); } }
In these cases, this query could help:
select c.entity_id cid, p.entity_id pid from catalog_category_entity c inner join catalog_category_entity p on c.parent_id = p.entity_id where c.level != p.level+1
This did not help me with my categories.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796257/More articles:Search in Java API? - javaWhat does the bitwise AND operator do? - cIs there an implementation of this string matching method in python? - pythonHow to populate Controller.Request in ASP.NET MVC - asp.net-mvc-3Get TDataModule in development mode - delphihttps://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://fooobar.com/questions/1796258/convert-xls-to-xlsm-using-excelcnvexe&usg=ALkJrhgUqelOg6kSKNRd1rx9HG78iOdPRgC #: code style - places for participants - c #How many Java objects are generated by this - new String ("abcd") - javaIs it possible to play only part of an mp3 file using AVAudioPlayer? If so, how? - iosКаково точное преимущество использования тега над тегом? - htmlAll Articles