Dependency injection does not work in gwt 2.1

I have a new project in which I use GWT-Views like Composite etc.

I entered the items in the main menu (for example, ProductListbelow) using GinInjector. It works great!

Somewhere I want to have a link from a small component to an item from my main menu in order to update it. I am trying to do it like this:

public class ProductForm extends Composite {
   ProductList list;


But when I use list, I always get null. Thus, it ProductListis defined as follows:

public class MyModule extends AbstractGinModule {
   protected void configure() {

Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?!

Solution : I did not mention that ProductForm is a ProductList element using the UIBinder @UIField tag, so a new object will be created for its injection, not the one created using UIBinder.

, , ( @UIField).


: :

"" . , .

Gin - GWT. , class1, ( Guice/Gin), Gin GWT.create . GWT ( i18n):

public interface MyConstants extends Constants {
  String myWords();

public class MyWidget {

  public MyWidget(MyConstants myconstants) {
    // The injected constants object will be fully initialized - 
    // GWT.create has been called on it and no further work is necessary.

. Gin , GWT.create, Singleton. , .


, .

, , GWT.create(YourFactoryInterface.class).getProductList() .

, GWT.create , :

YourFactoryInterface getFactory() {
  return GWT.create(YourFactoryInterface.class)


Gin asEagerSingleton() null. , , v1.0. . , , .in(Singleton.class), , Gin 1.5.


Ginjector ProductForm? , , , .



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