I am using a * .resx file for localization purposes. A name is a phrase or word in English. Meaning - translation into another language of this phrase. I choose this approach to have one localization file for the entire application. And anyone who has this file can do the translation on their own.
But in the resx editor for Visual Studio 2010, every entry with a name that has spaces in it has a warning: "The resource name is not a valid identifier." Although it compiles and works, but please tell me that I am doing something wrong here.
, resx , . , .
, Forms.en-GB.resx, Forms.pl-PL.resx, Forms.de-DE.resx, - ( ).
Visual Studio , / , . , , , ( ). , _ .
, - resx . ResXFileCodeGenerator " " resx ( ) " " " " resx, , .
resx , , . resx, , . resx , . : - , localization.resx , . , , resx localization.fr-FR.resx. , , fr-FR, , - . - , , , , , , , .
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UserWelcome Hey, {name}, thanks for dropping by ...
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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796245/More articles:how to give differnet background color for slider? - cssJPA: doesn't override equals () and hashCode () in essence? - java"redefining" foo "as another kind of character" - chow to achieve background color in html5 [type = range] input? - csswhich is a proven solution for connecting mainframe and java? Which is Best for the MQ / IBM CICS Transaction Gateway Series? - ibmHow to check jndi bind / unbind status? - javaМожно ли получить имена параметров метода в scala - scalaHow to save tmx file using CCTMXTiledMap - iphoneDependency injection does not work in gwt 2.1 - dependency-injectionlogging in ext3 - Documentation - linuxAll Articles