Database Migrations in Joomla

Is there a way to use database migrations using Joomla? I am looking for a mechanism similar to the one found in Rails or Symfony.

I would like to apply the changes to the database whenever the model changes. adding a column, creating a new relationship, deleting some tables, ...

To this question , the accepted answer seems like a very cool option, but I don't know if there is anything special for Joomla.


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3 answers

If you want to update your own database component schema, you can refer to the following section:

, :


Joomla , sql- phpMyAdmin.

joomla (core plugins one), . (, jos_users id).

joomla, ( ).


2 Joomla, :

1) Just put your SQL changes (e.g. ceate table or alter or any thing) /administrator/components/com_admin/SQL/updates/YOU_DB_ENGINE/anyfilename.sql go to the web interface, then / administrator => extension => manage => database and simple fix.

2) you can take a look at / administrator / components / com _installer / models / database.php and implement the custom migration process on it so that you can use the custom folder



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