Capturing SQL injections in classic asp-reposting form puts a lot of ticks

I am using SQL Server 2005 with classic ASP and in the form of repost (I am posting back to the same page), I replace each text field as follows:

course = trim(replace(request("course"),"'","''"))\

The problem with this is that with a repeated error, I have to re-process the form several times, the labels that I replace are multiplied.

Is there any other way to safely check string fields without replacing this view?

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4 answers

it is better to use a parameterized query:

dim cmd : set cmd = server.createObject("ADODB.Command")
dim param
dim sql : sql = "INSERT INTO table(course) VALUES (?)"
cmd.ActiveConnection = yourDBconnection
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

set param = cmd.CreateParameter("course", adVarChar, , 20, request("course"))
cmd.Parameters.Append param

cmd.CommandText = sql

so that you are fully protected with SQL injection


Replace 'only for use in sql string. (what you better do with parameterized queries.)


The easiest way is to only escape the SQL when you really paste into the database:

course = trim(request("course"))

Make the SafeSQL function:

function SafeSQL(TempStr)
    SafeSQL = Replace(TempStr,"'","''")
end function

Then when you insert:

"INSERT INTO table(course) VALUES ('" & SafeSQL(course) & "')"

Disclaimer: I only have ASP knowledge, I really don't know the best practices.


You can do it

course = trim (replace (request ("course"), "," & apos; "))



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