Caveat: I use ColdFusion, but I feel that it can cover a wide range of languages, as this is more a programming issue, not just a ColdFusion issue.
Well, I was instructed to implement a code to apply promotions to items in a shopping cart. In principle, there can be any number of promotions for any number of items - for example, "Buy 2 ABC items, get 1 of the" ABC "items at 50%." However, there may also be a “buy 3 ABC items, get 1 from the“ ABC ”item for free.” Or even "buy 2" ABC "items, get 1 of the" XYZ "items at 50%."
So, imagine that in general, more product promotions work across the entire product.
Now I need to complete all possible scenarios in order to apply the promotion (or promotions) that give the customer the best possible value (lowest total).
However, I cannot figure out how to write code that will run through EVERY possible script. I can narrow down the number of promotions eligible to participate by filtering those that do not apply to items in the basket. Obviously, I also know the number of matching items in the basket.
So, let's say I have 5 items in my basket, and 3 of these items are eligible to participate (for example, above). 1 item has 3 possible promotions, another has 4 possible promotions, another has 2 possible promotions. My first thought is to go through every possible advertising campaign and within this cycle, with the exception of every possible order of suitable elements:
1-2-3 1-3-2 2-1-3 2-3-1 3-1-2 3-2-1
... and apply promotions every time, keeping the combination that produces the lowest amount.
Will this work? It's too much? Does anyone have a better suggestion?
Any code samples are welcome. Although I program this in ColdFusion, I can read / understand other languages very well.