Install minSdkVersion and available emulators?

Today I upgraded to SDK version 3.0 of 2.3.3. I have one question that has always puzzled me.

My code has not changed since I built it using the build 7 API level, so there are no API level methods. Now I changed the Properties / build target to API level 11, but set minSdkVersion to level 7 in the manifest.

When I configure the launch configuration in Eclipse, the only AVDs available to me are level 11. If the level 7 AVDs (which exist on my machine) are not available as targets?

If not, what use sets minSdkVersion to 7, since I cannot test it on a level 7 emulator?

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1 answer

In the Debug configuration panel for your application, you need to go to the "Target" tab and change the destination selection mode to "Guide", and as soon as you click the "Debug" button, you will get the "Select Android device" dialog box where you can specify which AVD to run.



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