In fact, you should encode your values for URLs using the HttpServerUtility.UrlEncode method :
URL encoding ensures that all browsers will correctly pass text to the URL of the string. Characters such as question mark (?), Ampersand (&), label (/), and spaces may be truncated or damaged by some browsers. As a result, these characters must be encoded in the tags or in the query string, in which the string can be re-sent by the browser in the query string.
, :
name = Bellagio™ 16 1/2" High Downbridge Outdoor Wall Light
sku = 46910
: -, :
public string Name
return "Bellagio™ 16 1/2\" High Downbridge Outdoor Wall Light";
public string Sku
return "46910";
<a href='1.aspx?name=<%=Server.UrlEncode(Name)%>&sku=<%=Server.UrlEncode(Sku)%>'>
this is a link
( ):
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var name = Request.QueryString["name"];
var sku = Request.QueryString["sku"];
, : Bellagio™ 16 1/2\" High Downbridge Outdoor Wall Light
, URL, : LifeSizePDF.aspx?productname=Bellagio&%238482%3b+16+1%2f2&quot%3b+High+Downbridge+Outdoor+Wall+Light&shortsku=46910%2f