Will this use of List <T> be a miracle or a mess

I want to send meetings to representatives (I spare you the details).

I need to have for each representative a list of the appointments that he performs. I also need the second step to be a list of possible repetitions for each meeting.

I want to compile my data only once. What if I have something like this:

class Rep
    int repNumber;
    List<Appointment> availableApps;

class Appointment
    int appointmentNumber;
    List<Rep> availableReps;

Am I running after trouble? It seems wonderful to me, but I see that it can create an endless circle of links.

What do you think? Thanks you

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5 answers

I see nothing wrong with that. You see similar classes in the .NET Framework, such as forms and controls, for example:


myControl , .


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; # ( ) , . , , , . , Rep Appointment; , , Appointment. Appointment , Rep ( Rep, Appointment).


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796097/

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