I use Hibernate to retrieve some data from a database. The result returned by the SQL query that I use looks something like this:
SourceId | TargetId
1 | 10
1 | 11
1 | 12
2 | 13
2 | 14
Right now I have something like the following class:
@NamedNativeQuery(name = "myQuery", resultSetMapping = "myMapping",
query = "select source.id id1, target.id id2
+ "from someTable source "
+ "left join associationTable association on source.id=association.sourceId "
+ "left join someTable target on association.targetId=target.id "
+ "where source.id in(?1)")
@SqlResultSetMapping(name = "myMapping",
entities = @EntityResult(entityClass = DBCalculationElement.class, fields = {
@FieldResult(name = "targetId", column = "targetId"),
@FieldResult(name = "sourceId", column = "sourceId") }))
public class MyClass {
private String sourceId;
private String targetId;
public String getSourceId() {
return sourceId;
public String getTargetId() {
return targetId;
Despite the fact that everything works fine, and I get the desired results, in some cases the result set is really huge (thousands of rows), so it takes several minutes to actually get the data. I know that Hibernate is not the best performance solution when it comes to really large result sets, but I try to avoid using raw JDBC.
targetId. , Set , 2 ,
sourceId = "1"
, :
targetId = <"10", "11", "12">
- sourceId = "2".
- , , Hibernate? Java?