Help me with the Boruvka algorithm to create a minimally spanning tree. I wrote an algorithm code that looks at an example given by Sedgwick, but apparently made a bunch of nonsense because the algorithm never goes out of the loop. Please tell me where I made mistakes and how to fix them, I will be very grateful. The code is below. PS. sorry for my English:)
public class Boruvka
private Edge[] mst;
private Edge[] wannabes;
private Edge[] neighbors;
private Graph g;
private UnionFind uf;
public Boruvka(Graph G) {
this.g = G;
public Edge[] BoruvkaMSTalg()
Edge hlpEdge = new Edge(g.getMaxWeight(), 0, 0);
this.uf = new UnionFind(g.getCountVerteces());
this.wannabes = new Edge[this.g.getCountEdges()];
for (int i=0; i < g.getCountEdges(); i++)
this.wannabes[i] = g.getEdgeAt(i);
this.neighbors = new Edge[this.g.getCountVerteces()];
this.mst = new Edge[this.g.getCountVerteces()+1];
int nxtPhase;
int k=1;
for (int i=this.g.getCountEdges(); i!=0; i=nxtPhase)
int l, m, n;
for (int o=0; o<this.g.getCountVerteces(); o++)
this.neighbors[o] = hlpEdge;
for (n=0, nxtPhase=0; n<i; n++) {
Edge e = this.wannabes[n];
l = this.uf.find(e.getSVIndex()-1);
m = this.uf.find(e.getDVIndex()-1);
if ( l==m )
if ( e.getWeight() < this.neighbors[l].getWeight() )
this.neighbors[l] = e;
if ( e.getWeight() < this.neighbors[m].getWeight() )
this.neighbors[m] = e;
this.wannabes[nxtPhase++] = e;
for (n=0; n<this.g.getCountVerteces(); n++)
if ( this.neighbors[n] != hlpEdge ) {
l = this.neighbors[n].getSVIndex();
m = this.neighbors[n].getDVIndex();
if ( !this.uf.find(l,m) ) {
this.mst[k++] = this.neighbors[n];
System.out.println("MST by Boruvka successful");
return this.mst;
I wrote this code looking at the code given by Sedgwick in his "Algorithms in java. Part 5: Graph Algorithm". And here is his code:
class GraphMST
{ private UF uf;
private Edge[] a, b, mst;
GraphMST(Graph G)
{ Edge z = new Edge(0, 0, maxWT);
uf = new UF(G.V());
a = GraphUtilities.edges(G);
b = new Edge[G.V()]; mst = new Edge[G.V()+1];
int N, k = 1;
for (int E = G.E(); E != 0; E = N)
{ int h, i, j;
for (int t = 0; t < G.V(); t++) b[t] = z;
for (h = 0, N = 0; h < E; h++)
{ Edge e = a[h];
i = uf.find(e.v()); j = uf.find(e.w());
if (i == j) continue;
if (e.wt() < b[i].wt()) b[i] = e;
if (e.wt() < b[j].wt()) b[j] = e;
a[N++] = e;
for (h = 0; h < G.V(); h++)
if (b[h] != z)
if (!uf.find(i = b[h].v(), j = b[h].w()))
{ uf.unite(i, j); mst[k++] = b[h]; }
Please help me find the differences between him and mine and correct them. PS. I'm sorry about my english.
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