C ++ multi-platform library for playing / recording audio (.wav, .ogg)

I have a multi-platform application and you want to add sound annotation functionality. I am looking for a sound playback / recording library that:

  • multi-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac)
  • quick and easy to integrate into an existing project
  • don't use cygwin to build windows
  • has C ++ bindings

I saw gstreamer, but I have the feeling that it is too advanced for my simple use cases.

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3 answers

Have you looked at the SDL ? This should play OGG files and WAV files .


sox, Mac. , .

PortAudio , Audiomulch.

RtAudio, , . JACK, CoreAudio, ALSA, OSS, DirectSound ASIO.

libsndfile - , sox.


, ffmpeg . . , UNIX- . Cygwin, MSYS , . (), . ffmpeg Visual ++, , GCC , C99.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1796012/

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