What is logging and how is Apache Commons logging used?

What information does the web application server want to register and why?

From what I understand


is an interface that abstracts the functionality provided by other logging classes, and the same goes for the LogFactory interface.

The code I'm trying to understand is

Log auditLogger = LogFactory.getLog(someString);

How is String someString used to determine what LogFactory will generate? How can I see the implementation of the used Log and LogFactory classes?

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3 answers

identifier, . - , ,

Log auditLogger = LogFactory.getLog(MyCurrentClass.class);

, commons-logging - , java.util.logging, . , ​​ log4j, logback slf4j .

, , , log4j, log4j.xml, :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <appender name="CONSOLE" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">

    <!-- Send debug information from "com.company.MyCurrentClass" to CONSOLE -->
    <logger name="com.company.MyCurrentClass">
        <level value="DEBUG"/>
        <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>


someString - ( , , ). Log LogFactory .

, - , - , (, , , ).


, Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MyCurrentClass.class); - (Struts2 Actions JSF Backing Beans), EJB 3 Beans.

, (, , , , , ..).

logger.debug("Debug message") , , ( Log4J DEBUG , ). / .., , , logger.isDebugEnabled().

, , LogFactory.getLog(), . .

For example, if you have a log for my.package.MyClassand use the library with the package org.library.*, you can configure the logging framework to enable debugging messages for my.package.*, but not for org.library.*. This way you can filter messages to get a smaller / improved readable log.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1795986/

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