How to open a link in a pdf file in a new window?

I have a link in a pdf document (PDF1) that is embedded in a browser instance. Or let's say that Adobe Reader is built into the browser window.

This pdf document (PDF2) has a link to a servlet, the presentation of which opens another pdf file.

Now a new pdf-document opens in the built-in Adobe Reader in the same browser window. How can I open this document (PDF2) in a new browser window with the new built-in Adobe Reader?

Does it depend on the editor tool used to create the pdf document?

PS: I am not creating the first (PDF1), but I was faced with the question of how to open the second (PDF2) in a new window, so the first document is not "lost" and should resume again.

source share

, , Acrobat Reader. :

  • .
  • IE "PDF" Acrobat Reader. URL- . , AR IE, AR . , , AR ( IE), .

Foxit Reader - PDF-, " ". Foxit PDF.

, .

[EDIT] AR . , URL- , "" "...". URL- . URL- .

, , , . IE , ( IE , , , XXX, . IE , , ).



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