Perl module for writing excel2007 book

I have a huge report coming out of a tool from which I extract some important data and write an excel file. So far I have used the Spreadsheet :: WriteExcel module, but it crashed when the number of lines exceeded 65535. Is there any other module that supports creating excel for huge data? I checked in CPAN, found modules for reading excel2007 files, but could not find them for writing. I am not writing csv because I want to create multiple worksheets in an excel file.

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Excel :: Writer :: XLSX is an API compatible Spreadsheet :: WriteExcel replacement that supports the Excel xlsx format of Excel 2007 and the increased row / column limits.


If you checked the table link errors : WriteExcel cpan, you will notice that there is a defect that has been open for more than 11 months for this exact problem.

Error ID: 54902

However, can you instead try to write 65536 rows in each spreadsheet in chunks and assemble it later?



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