Specify the type returned from FileReader readAsDataURL () as PNG, not TIFF?

I get an image that was pasted into the contents of an editable div, and during insertion types, Clipboardinclude " image/png" and " image/tiff" in the list .

When I get this image with FileReaderand the readAsDataURLline of the image base64that it returns is TIFF" data:image/tiff,".

Is there a way to specify a " " FileReaderfor return ?PNGdata:image/png

The next question is here .

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1 answer

. FileReader.readAsDataURL() , , base64, . MIME- , ( Blob type, , , ), .

const fr = new FileReader();
const fakeGif = new Blob(['foo'], {type:'image/gif'});
fr.onload = onload;

function onload(){
  console.log(fr.result); // with image/gif MIME
  console.log(atob(fr.result.split(',')[1])) // still just "foo"...
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, , Safari - DataTransferItem, .

, Grab png , Safari tiff.

dev, , /tiff.

, DataTransferItem, png, , , Safari .

, TIFF png - :

// an Array to hold pasted Files
var files = [];

// We start by checking if the browser supports the 
// DataTransferItem interface. If not, we need to create a 
// contenteditable element that catches all pasted data 
if (!window.DataTransferItem) {
  var pasteCatcher = document.createElement("div");
  pasteCatcher.setAttribute("contenteditable", "");

  // We can hide the element and append it to the body,
  pasteCatcher.style.opacity = 0.5;

  // as long as we make sure it is always in focus
  document.addEventListener("click", function() {
// Add the paste event listener
window.addEventListener("paste", pasteHandler);

/* Handle paste events */

function pasteHandler(e) {
  // We need to check if event.clipboardData is supported (Chrome)
  if (e.clipboardData) {
    // Get the items from the clipboard
    var items = e.clipboardData.items || e.clipboardData.files;
    itemcount = items.length;
    if (itemcount) {
      // Loop through all items, looking for any kind of image
      for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    } else {
      // This is a cheap trick to make sure we read the data
      // AFTER it has been inserted.
      setTimeout(checkInput, 1);
    // If we can't handle clipboard data directly (Firefox), 
    // we need to read what was pasted from the contenteditable element
  } else {

    console.log("checking input");

    // This is a cheap trick to make sure we read the data
    // AFTER it has been inserted.
    setTimeout(checkInput, 1);
/* For browsers that support DataTransferItem interface */
function getItem(item{
  if (item.type.indexOf("image") !== -1) {
    // We need to represent the image as a file,
    var blob = item instanceof Blob ? item : item.getAsFile();
    // save the File for later use if needed
    // and use a URL or webkitURL (whichever is available to the browser)
    // to create a temporary URL to the object
    var URLObj = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
    var source = URLObj.createObjectURL(blob);
    // The URL can then be used as the source of an image
/* For older browsers */
/* Parse the input in the paste catcher element */
function checkInput() {

  // Store the pasted content in a variable
  var child = pasteCatcher.childNodes[0];

  if (child) {
    // If the user pastes an image, the src attribute
    // will represent the image as a base64 encoded string.
    if (child.tagName === "IMG") {
      getPngFromIMG(child, function(blob) {
        // Clear the inner html to make sure we're always
        // getting the latest inserted content
        pasteCatcher.innerHTML = "";
        // save the png blob in our list

function getPngFromIMG(img, callback) {
  if (img.naturalWidth) // if already loaded
    img.onload = draw;

  function draw() {
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;
    canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;
    canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0);
/* Creates a new image from a given source */
function createImage(source) {
  var pastedImage = new Image();
  pastedImage.onload = function(e) {
    loadImage.src = e.target.src;
  pastedImage.src = source;

btn.onclick = function() {
<textarea id="pasteArea" placeholder="Paste Image Here"></textarea>
<img id="loadImage" />
<button id="btn">do something with pasted files</button>
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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1692821/

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