I made a simple NodeJS TCP server that the Java client sent:
encodedImage = <a base64 encoded image>
out.write("IMG;" + encodedImage);
My NodeJS server is as follows:
TCPSocket.on("data", function(data){
console.log("TCP Recieved: " + data.length);
However, even if I send all the data and upload it immediately, the output is as follows:
TCP Recieved: 13
TCP Recieved: 1344
TCP Recieved: 1344
TCP Recieved: 1344
TCP Recieved: 1344
TCP Recieved: 1344
TCP Recieved: 1472
TCP Recieved: 1344
TCP Recieved: 1344
TCP Recieved: 1344
TCP Recieved: 1344
I want it to get it in the simple part, but I assume that this is due to the NodeJS event handling mechanism. What is the best way to get a single piece of data for data sent as one piece? As far as I know, a TCP window can be much larger than 1344 bytes of data. I was thinking of using the header values as HTTP, so I know that declaring the length will create the object I want.