I find the minimum date in the group. Many times the group included only missing dates (in this case, I would prefer something like that to NA
be assigned).
displayed correctly, but they do not respond is.na()
as I expect. When the cell is displayed as NA
, the output is is.na()
unexpectedly FALSE.
ds_visit <- tibble::tribble(
~subject_id, ~date,
1L, as.Date("2017-01-01" ),
1L, as.Date("2017-02-01" ),
2L, as.Date(NA_character_),
2L, as.Date("2017-01-02" ),
3L, as.Date(NA_character_),
3L, as.Date(NA_character_),
4L, as.Date(NA_character_),
4L, as.Date(NA_character_)
ds_subject <- ds_visit %>%
dplyr::group_by(subject_id) %>%
date_na = is.na(date),
date_min = min(date, na.rm=T),
date_min_na = is.na(date_min)
) %>%
looks right. ds_subject
Looks correct for me, except for the last column.
ds_subject (the last four rows of the last column are unexpected.)
subject_id date date_na date_min date_min_na
<int> <date> <lgl> <date> <lgl>
1 1 2017-01-01 F 2017-01-01 F
2 1 2017-02-01 F 2017-01-01 F
3 2 NA T 2017-01-02 F
4 2 2017-01-02 F 2017-01-02 F
5 3 NA T NA F
6 3 NA T NA F
7 4 NA T NA F
8 4 NA T NA F
, : (a) , (b) R ( 3.4.3 ),
(c) dplyr rlang ( CRAN GitHub) (d) tibble
. ( ), , , .
( 3 4): , , Inf
, NA
. ( min(as.Date(NA), na.rm=T)
1: In min.default(c(NA_real_, NA_real_), na.rm = TRUE) :
no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
2: In min.default(c(NA_real_, NA_real_), na.rm = TRUE) :
no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
. - , NA
, .
> str(ds_subject$date_min)
Date[1:8], format: "2017-01-01" "2017-01-01" "2017-01-02" "2017-01-02" NA NA NA NA
, - ? NA
: @eipi10 @mtoto . . , "NA" "Inf", .
, , base::min()
, dplyr::mutate()
, SQL. ( dplyr is.na()
, summarize()
MIN(date) AS date_min
--MIN(date) OVER (PARTITION BY subject_id) AS date_min --`OVER` not supported by sqlite
FROM ds_visit
GROUP BY subject_id
" %>%
sqldf::sqldf() %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
date_min = as.Date(date_min, "1970-01-01"),
date_min_na = is.na(date_min)
, NA
, is.na()
subject_id date_min date_min_na
<int> <date> <lgl>
1 1 2017-01-01 F
2 2 2017-01-02 F
3 3 NA T
4 4 NA T
, R Inf
, Date
, NA
. ( ), , .
, . base::min()
. , base::min()
/, SQL.
( @alistaire base:min()
, / .)