Share pandas dataframe dictionary via multiprocessor python

I have a python pandas data dictionary. The total size of this dictionary is about 2 GB. However, when I pass it through 16 multiprocessor operations (in subprocesses I only read dict data without modifying it), it takes 32 GB. Therefore, I would like to ask if it is possible for me to share this dictionary through multiprocessing without copying it. I tried converting it to manager.dict (). But it seems like it takes too long. What will be the most standard way to achieve this? Thank.

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1 answer

The best solution I have found (and it only works for some types of problems) is to use the client / server setup using the Python BaseManager and SyncManager classes. To do this, first configure the server that serves the proxy class for the data.

from    multiprocessing.managers import SyncManager
import  numpy

# Global for storing the data to be served
gData = {}

# Proxy class to be shared with different processes
# Don't put big data in here since that will force it to be piped to the
# other process when instantiated there, instead just return a portion of
# the global data when requested.
class DataProxy(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def getData(self, key, default=None):
        global gData
        return gData.get(key, None)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    port  = 5000

    print 'Simulate loading some data'
    for i in xrange(1000):
        gData[i] = numpy.random.rand(1000)

    # Start the server on address(host,port)
    print 'Serving data. Press <ctrl>-c to stop.'
    class myManager(SyncManager): pass
    myManager.register('DataProxy', DataProxy)
    mgr = myManager(address=('', port), authkey='DataProxy01')
    server = mgr.get_server()

Run the above and leave it in working condition. The following is the client class that you use to access data.

from   multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
import psutil   #3rd party module for process info (not strictly required)

# Grab the shared proxy class.  All methods in that class will be availble here
class DataClient(object):
    def __init__(self, port):
        assert self._checkForProcess(''), 'Must have DataServer running'
        class myManager(BaseManager): pass
        self.mgr = myManager(address=('localhost', port), authkey='DataProxy01')
        self.proxy = self.mgr.DataProxy()

    # Verify the server is running (not required)
    def _checkForProcess(name):
        for proc in psutil.process_iter():
            if == name:
                return True
        return False

Below is the test code to try this with multiprocessing.

import time
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy
from   DataClient import *    

# Confusing, but the "proxy" will be global to each subprocess, 
# it not shared across all processes.
gProxy = None
gMode  = None
gDummy = None
def init(port, mode):
    global gProxy, gMode, gDummy
    gProxy  = DataClient(port).proxy
    gMode  = mode
    gDummy = numpy.random.rand(1000)  # Same as the dummy in the server
    #print 'Init proxy ', id(gProxy), 'in ', mp.current_process()

def worker(key):
    global gProxy, gMode, gDummy
    if 0 == gMode:   # get from proxy
        array = gProxy.getData(key)
    elif 1 == gMode: # bypass retrieve to test difference
        array = gDummy
    else: assert 0, 'unknown mode: %s' % gMode
    for i in range(1000):
        x = sum(array)
    return x    

if __name__ == '__main__':
    port   = 5000
    maxkey = 1000
    numpts = 100

    for mode in [1, 0]:
        for nprocs in [16, 1]:
            if 0==mode: print 'Using client/server and %d processes' % nprocs
            if 1==mode: print 'Using local data and %d processes' % nprocs                
            keys = [numpy.random.randint(0,maxkey) for k in xrange(numpts)]
            pool = mp.Pool(nprocs, initializer=init, initargs=(port,mode))
            start = time.time()
            ret_data =, keys, chunksize=1)
            print '   took %4.3f seconds' % (time.time()-start)

When I run this on my machine, I get ...

Using local data and 16 processes
   took 0.695 seconds
Using local data and 1 processes
   took 5.849 seconds
Using client/server and 16 processes
   took 0.811 seconds
Using client/server and 1 processes
   took 5.956 seconds

, , . . , x=sum(array). - , .

, , , , . , , ; .

, , python, DB ints .. , , , , , .



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