Base base () constructor and pass this

I am trying to implement good design patterns for the program I am writing. I have such a class structure.

abstract class SomeBase
     public SomeObject obj { get; protected set; } 

     protected SomeBase(SomeObject x)
           obj = x;

     //Other methods and fields...

public class SomeDerived : SomeBase

     public SomeDerived() : base(new SomeObject(this))



Now, since I am sure that you are now, you cannot pass this to the contructor because the object was not initialized. But I really hoped this was a workaround. This is not the best practice for me to allow SomeDerived () to handle the setting of the base class field. I would like to pass this new object to the chain.

Any ideas?

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3 answers

This is not possible, use the Init method after the constructor:

 abstract class SomeBase
      private SomeObject _obj { get; set; } 
      public SomeObject obj 
           {    // check _obj is inited:
                if (_obj == null) throw new <exception of your choice> ;
                return _obj;

      protected SomeBase()
           obj = null;

      protected void Init()
           obj = x;

      //Other methods and fields...

 public class SomeDerived : SomeBase

      public SomeDerived() : base()
           Init(new SomeObject(this));


, , .

abstract class SomeBase
    public SomeObject obj { get; protected set; }

    protected SomeBase()
        obj = (SomeObject)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(SomeObject), this); // "this" here is SomeDerived object

class SomeDerived : SomeBase
    public SomeDerived()

class SomeObject
    public SomeObject(SomeDerived obj)
        if (obj.obj == null)
            // You have the reference to SomeDerived here
            // But its properties are not yet initialized (both SomeDerived and SomeBase constructors are in the progress of execution)
            // So you should not access them in the SomeObject class constructor

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2) " " , - (!!!), , SomeObject "this"

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public abstract class MyClass{
     private SomeObject _obj ; 
     public SomeObject Obj {get { return  _obj ?? (_obj = InitializeObj() );}} //no setter needed
     protected abstract SomeObject InitializeObj();

public class MyRealClass:MyClass {
    protected override SomeObject InitializeObj(){
        return new VerySpecialSomeObject(this, other, another, 1, 2 , false, option: new Options());

For your example, such a solution provides a single "template" that wins - "polymorphism")) and receives an additional bonus - if "Obj" is not useful, it will never be created))))



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