The PHP Mailgun interface worked for 2 years until yesterday 1/23/2018 at about 12 hours central time.
Now all calls to the Mailgun API return an SSL certificate issue
Exception 0 [curl] 60: SSL certificate problem: local issuer certificate cannot be obtained [url]
Curl also returns the same issue on the command line when trying to access the mailgun API.
We downloaded and installed the latest cacert.pem file from and included the path to this file in the php.ini file curl.cainfo = / path / to / cacert.pem and file openssl.cafile = / path / to / cacert.pem
We restarted our application and rebooted our server, but the problem persists.
Does anyone else have the same issue with the PHP Mailgun API? Is there a way to disable SSL certificate verification through the Mailgun API?