Transferring data between fragment view modes

Let me directly say that this is rather a “structural” question, and I am not asking anyone to write code; I'm just trying to figure out how I should structure my application.

I am using Android DrawerLayout/ NavigationViewfor my application. This means that it MainActivityis the host for all my fragments.

I currently have three fragments (actually it is a lot more, but they are more or less exactly similar to these three fragments, only for different data sets).

  • Listfragment
  • DetailFragment
  • EditFragment (used to add and edit)

On mine ListFragmentI have (surprise!) A list of items. This is a collection LiveDataon SharedViewModel(linked to a MainActivitylife cycle). When an element is being listened, I pass the event through MainActivityusing the interface listener.

MainActivitythen loads DetailFragment. In the same call, I load an instance SharedViewModel(again bound to MainActivity). I installed SharedViewModel.selectedItemas a knocked item. Then in the function, DetailFragment onCreateI get the selected item through ViewModelProviders.of(activity).get(

There DetailFragmentis an edit button on. This goes through more or less the same procedure described above, but instead loads EditFragment. When the edited / added item is saved, I add / replace the item in the collection SharedViewModelthrough the interface listener MainActivity.

, . -, , , MainActivity ( , ). , MainActivity - , .

, , ListFragmentViewModel, ListFragment. DetailFragmentViewModel, EditFragmentViewModel ..

, , . , , EditFragment. ListFragmentViewModel? ListFragment back-stack, viewmodel , , . , , ( , , DetailFragment ListFragment?), , .

, (, DetailFragmentViewModel.)

, . - ?


, EditFragment. ListFragmentViewModel?

EditFragment : "yo! !". , , (, RxJava PublishSubject). ListFragmentViewModel .

ListFragment back-stack, viewmodel , ,

, , . . . , - .



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